Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The End...

We got the results of our pregnancy test and unfortunately they were negative. I was not really surprised at this news. When I think back to our last IVF cycle everything was so perfect and went so smoothly. Even from the beginning we could just feel that we were going to have twins and they were going to be a boy and girl. This time was much different. My body was not handling this cycle the same. I have been taking progesterone shots for 16 days and it has been horrible. I have become allergic to the progesterone and every shot would result in a welt that ranged from the size of a golf ball to a baseball. This cycle will make our 8th failed attempt during our different fertility treatments we have done. But we have decided that instead of looking at all the failures we are going to look at the 1 cycle we did have work that resulted in our twins!

This journey that we have been on has been a real blessing to us and as hard as it has been I wouldn't change it. We have gotten to experience what its like to have God guide you through a valley in your life and to bring you out of it. As disappointed as I am to not get to have the other two babies and I will always wonder what they would have been like. My eyes are now opened to how easy it would have been to not of gotten Eli and Aly. This lesson was so clear today that it almost scares me and makes me want to hold on to them and not let go. It was easy to fall into the idea that since I had gotten pregnant with them that this cycle would be a breeze and I should get pregnant no problem. However today's results taught me otherwise.

This cycle was our last attempt at getting pregnant. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and words of encouragement over the last couple of years. You have helped make our dreams come true. And we will forever be thankful for you all being there as we went through our journey to get these two wonderful babies!

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