Monday, July 28, 2014

12-13 week pregnancy update!

It has been a pretty crazy 2 weeks since I last posted. I had mentioned in my last blog that I had an episode of bleeding and everything checked out fine. After that I had 3 more episodes of it but 2 of them was with old blood but the babies still looked perfect. Thankfully it has now been 1 week since it has happened which is the longest I have went in between.

I had an appointment at Kettering last week which was a very bitter sweet appointment because that was my last one at there office. We had gotten very used to seeing them over the past 5 months. The babies looked great again as you can see in the pictures below. There heart rates were baby A at 151 and baby B at 153 and there sizes were perfect! They officially took me off all of my medicines so now I am just on my prenatal vitamins which is very exciting! For graduating we got a certificate and 2 baby spoons that are in the picture below that say "A spoonful of good wishes Kettering Reproductive Medicine"!

Baby A
Baby B

Today I had my first appointment with Dr. Roberts in Portsmouth and we really liked it there! I had my ultrasound to start off which was much different this time. It was my first external/abdominal ultrasound I have had. It was very confusing for us though to keep up with which baby was which because it changes the angle that we see the babies from. Of course being an external ultrasound the pictures are not as clear but the pictures are below. They tried to do a 4D ultrasound to get a better picture but they were in the wrong position for it to show anything. Today their heart rates were baby A at 145 and baby B at 155 which was great again! The sizes are still good but I can tell there is a little bit of difference in there measurements and Ketterings. I did ask Dr. Roberts about this but she said that it can be a difference in the person performing the ultrasound and the machine. So pretty much any number I have given before now does not count and the numbers they had today are now my beginning numbers they will go off of.  She also did a pelvic exam and did find that I had a polyp on my cervix which could also help explain the bleeding and she said she would normally take it off but she wouldn't attempt it right now while pregnant. I also had to choose between a couple hospitals to get a level 2 ultrasound done between 18-22 weeks. This is just there standard protocol to have someone pregnant with twins do and I picked OSU. They also said it is better for me to be familiar with a hospital that has a NICU, which will again be OSU, in case I go into preterm labor. She said that if I can make it to 36 weeks they would fill comfortable delivering me at SOMC and if I can make it to 37 weeks then that is almost worth having a party. If I go into labor before 36 weeks then from what I understand I will have to deliver at OSU because the babies would have to be where there is a NICU. Dr. Roberts office will be seeing me every 2 weeks from now till the end of the pregnancy to closely monitor the twins.
Left is Baby B. It is face down with its arms and legs curled under it.
Right is Baby A.
Right is Baby A's face profile.
Left is Baby B in the same pose as the previous picture.
It was a lot to take in at this appointment but I am glad that they are going to continue to keep a close eye on the babies! I will probably update again at the end of next month and just do an update now once a month unless we have something really important to share before. Hopefully next time we update we will know the gender of our babies! Please continue to keep us and the babies in your prayers!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

10 weeks pregnancy update! ER trip and Graduating

The last 2 weeks since we updated have been very busy with church camp and the preparations for it. This past week while a camp we had one of the scariest things ever happen to me but thankfully we know everything is ok. But while at camp Wednesday morning about 6:30am one of the girls woke up and told me the had to go to the bathroom so I got up and walked with them. When I got closer to the bathroom I thought my prometrium pill was coming out but when I got in the bathroom blood just gushed out. So of course I was freaking out but I didn't want to scare the girl so I sent her back up to the cabin while pretending everything was fine. Thankfully Tanya, one of the other youth leaders, came walking to the bathroom and I started trying to tell her what was happening. Of course it was really hard for her to understand me but after a few tries she finally knew what was going on. As she walked me up the cabin to grab my stuff she was just walking beside me with her arm around me praying out loud while I was just sobbing. She got her husband to wake up Zack and we both took off for SOMC ER. We did learn we can make it to the hospital in 15 minutes or less so when I go into labor we already know now. They did an ultrasound and the babies both looked great. They wouldn't let me see the screen(which just upset me more) but Zack was able to so thankfully he was able to watch them kick and squirm. And afterward she did show me a 4D picture of the babies which actually was pretty awesome. They did run a bunch of blood work too and found nothing to be wrong and gave me no reason as to why it happened. They put me on bed rest for the next 24 hours which is very hard for me to sit still but I got an outside chair that laid out and took it to camp so I could just hang out there with the kids. I know you may be wondering why I would want to share this personal of a story. But its because with everything that happened I just keep replaying Tanya walking me to the cabin and praying. And while of course I was panicking at the same time there was this sense of everything will be ok that had come over us, which I know is a direct result of her praying, I know the timing was really bad while being at camp but I thank God for allowing us to be there because had we been by ourselves I don't think I would have had that immediate reminder that God's got this. I thank God for giving us such good christian friends that we can count on in bad times. Instead of making it about herself by her freaking out too and me having to get her to believe everything will be fine, instead she just prayed! She could have told me everything was going to be fine but thats not what I need to hear. Her not actually saying anything and just praying gave me more of a comfort than anything else could have!

On Friday I had an appointment at Kettering. Again both the babies look great and they are both over 1.3 inches long. It is hard to believe the difference in how much they have grown and how much they are moving and kicking now. They have grown so much, they are both side by side now instead of one over top the other. Their heart rates are starting to go back down now as they will continue to do but Baby A was 167.38 bpm and Baby B was 165.83 bpm. He also checked for anything that could have caused bleeding and found now issue. He said that most people don't get an explanation but for us our explanation is just that its twins. So he was not concerned and said not to panic if it happens again. Below is our ultrasound picture its hard to get a good picture of them both at the same time but on the picture the baby on left(Baby B) you can start to see the forming of ears which is really neat!

I only have one appointment left at Kettering, which means I will be graduating in 2 weeks up to a regular OBGYN. So over the next 2 weeks I am going to be weaning my self off of my prometrium pills, baby aspirin, and I already stopped my progesterone injections on Friday! I have my first appointment at Dr. Roberts in Portsmouth on the 28th so I am excited that I will finally be considered a normal patient then! But everyone please pray that I have no more bleeding because even though everything is fine I would rather not have that scare again!